About us

Polish Section of GAMM (PS GAMM) is a national section of the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik - GAMM (International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics). The Polish Section of GAMM was reactivated on 19th March 2018 on the initiative of the Polskie Towarzystwo Mechaniki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej - PTMTS (Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) within the cooperation of the PTMTS with the GAMM. The first meeting of PS GAMM and election of the executive board took place in Pułtusk on 7th June 2018. More information about actions undertaken to establish the PS GAMM (founded in 2006) can be found in the Bulletin of PTMTS (in Polish, pages 65-66).

The PS GAMM promotes and represents initiatives of the Polish members of GAMM within the activities of GAMM as well as constitutes a platform of cooperation between the GAMM and the PTMTS.