GAMM 2025

GAMM 2025
95th Annual Meeting of the International
Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
7 April - 11 April 2025
Poznań, Poland

German-Polish Autumn School on Mathematics and Mechanics

On October 27th-29th, 2024, the German-Polish Autumn School on Mathematics and Mechanics will take place at Topacz Castle.
We cordially invite all the interested, especially young scientists.
Details will be provided soon.

GAMM 2024

GAMM 2024
94rd Annual Meeting of the International
Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
18 March - 22 March 2024
Magdeburg, Germany

PUBLIC LECTURE - Professor Peter Wriggers

Public lecture of the city of Poznań and Poznań University of Technology

Numerical Simulations in Engineering and Applied Sciences

Prof. Peter Wriggers, Leibniz University Hannover
November 13, 2023 at 13.30, Poznan University of Technology, Campus Warta, building CW, room 123 BT

The lecture is available on the YouTube channel of Poznań University of Technology: link

Numerical simulations in engineering and science play a vital role in modern research and problem-solving. These computational techniques leverage mathematical models and algorithms to replicate complex real-world phenomena, enabling scientists and engineers to explore, analyze, and optimize systems and processes across a wide range of disciplines. From fluid dynamics and structural analysis to climate modeling and biomedical applications, numerical simulations provide insights, predictions, and design solutions that are often unattainable through traditional experimentation alone. This lecture highlights the increasing reliance on numerical simulations, their wide-reaching applications, and their potential to advance knowledge and innovation in the fields of engineering and science.

wykład_Peter Wriggers_post_press.jpg

Professor J. Tinsley Oden, August 27, 2023

It is with sorrow that we convey the sad news of the death of Professor J. Tinsley Oden on 27th August 2023 at the age of 86, an outstanding scientist and precursor in the field of mathematical modeling and numerical methods in mechanics and other sciences — one of the founding fathers of computational science and engineering. His novel ideas and research have inspired many of us.

Professor Oden was active and persistent to the end. Not so long ago he delivered a plenary lecture at the GAMM 2018 Meeting in Munich.

A great man passed away, whose works and ideas will remain and serve our community for a long time to come.

We join in grief with His Family and Relatives.

Mieczysław Kuczma

PS GAMM Meeting 6.09.2023

Szanowni Państwo!

Serdecznie zapraszam na krótkie zebranie Polskiej Sekcji GAMM, które odbędzie się w środę 6 września 2023r. o godz. 17:50 (zgodnie z programem Kongresu PCM-CMM 2023) w Audytorium A w Centrum Edukacyjno-Kongresowym Politechniki Śląskiej w Gliwicach (ul. Stanisława Konarskiego 18B, 44-100 Gliwice).

Przedmiotem zebranie będą głównie sprawy dotyczące konferencji GAMM 2025, która odbędzie się w Poznaniu w dniach 7-11 kwietnia 2025 roku.

Łączę wyrazy szacunku i serdeczne pozdrowienia,
Mieczysław Kuczma

GAMM 2023

GAMM 2023
93rd Annual Meeting of the International
Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
30 May - 2 June 2023
Dresden, Germany


Implementation of the DPG Method in a FE Code Supporting H1, H (curl), H (div), and
L2-Conforming Finite Elements

Leszek Demkowicz and Stefan Henneking
Oden Institute for Computational Science and Engineering, UT at Austin
Venue: Poznan University of Technology, Campus Warta, building A-2, room 139
Time: 14-15-June 2022


Download programme

For further details see
Course introduction

PUBLIC LECTURE - Professor Leszek Demkowicz

Public Lecture of the City of Poznań within the programme "Academic and Scientific Poznań"

Discrete Stability - The Perpetual Challenge in Numerical Approximation of Partial Differential Equations

Prof. Leszek Demkowicz, Oden Institute for Computational Science and Engineering, UT at Austin
June 13, 2022 at 13.30, Poznan University of Technology, Campus Warta, building CW, room 123 BT

The lecture will be held in the hybrid mode:
at the lecture room 123 BT, Campus Warta, Poznan University of Technology, and through a continuous live stream via the PUT YouTube Channel
and the specific link to the lecture will be generated just before its beginning there.

Computer simulations provide an indispensable foundation for the majority of complex engineering and science projects. They have long provided a basis for the analysis and design of buildings, bridges, cars, airplanes, ships and submarines, oil exploration. They are being used to investigate and design new drugs, materials, optical fibers, production lines and even diapers.

Most of the models are described in terms of systems of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The PDEs are then discretized, i.e., approximated with resulting systems of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations that can be solved on the computer. Finite Element (FE) and Finite Difference (FD) methods are the most popular techniques of discretization.

The discretization process is subjected to a careful verification including a convergence analysis; when the element (mesh) size goes to zero, the corresponding FE or FD solution must converge to the exact solution of the PDE system. In my 46-year career on both sides of the ocean, I have been involved with the design of new FE discretization schemes and their application to solve practical problems but also with providing theoretical foundations for such methods.

In the lecture, I will take you through the historical development of the Galerkin and FE method which, incidentally, coincides with my personal growth. Starting with Ritz and Galerkin, we will go through the fundamental results of Mikhlin, Cea and Babuska. The underlying concept is that of DISCRETE STABILITY and it relates to the fundamental Closed Range Theorem of the greatest Polish mathematician - Stefan Banach. I hope to communicate the main concepts to a very general audience.


GAMM 2022

GAMM 2022
92nd Annual Meeting of the International
Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
15-19 August 2022
Aachen, Germany
